Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day

Today I drove into work all by myself, like I do everyday. I don't carpool, I don't take any forms of mass transit. This behavior makes me feel like a hypocrite, but this is what I do. I can't afford a hybrid or an electric car. I don't have a bicycle, and if I did, I am pretty sure that I would not be willing to wake up two hours earlier so I could peddle into work. There is a 'park and ride' station near me for taking the bus, but again, my twenty minute drive into work would suddenly take an hour and forty five minutes because of waiting for the bus and then hitting every stop on the way to my destination. (I am not sure about the bus, I have not even stopped to check out the schedule). So while I think that doing things the earth-friendly way is a good idea, I don't really practice what I preach all the time. I think this is how most Americans go about being 'green', as long as it is convenient and cost-effective, then we are all for it. This frustrates me, but I am a perpetrator of that attitude, so what can I do. I guess if I work on my actions and behaviors, then that is a start.

1 comment:

Love This Space said...

Look into carpooling. At the very least, think how nice it would be to save a little money on gas!